
Utah by the Numbers:
Key Statistical Data and Facts

Key Details

  • Utah is the 30th most populous state, with an estimated population of 3.38 million as of 2022. 
  • As of 2023, Republicans control the Governor's Office, the Utah Senate, and the House of Representatives. 
  • 93% of residents aged 25 and older have a high school or higher education 
  • Spencer Cox serves as the 18th governor of the state 
  • Between 2017 and 2021, Utah recorded a median household income of $79.133. 
  • As of 2021, the marriage rate is 9.1 per 1,000, with 55% of married adults. 
  • Life expectancy at birth is 78.6 years. 
  • In 2021, Utah recorded a total of 185,171 crimes. Property crimes accounted for most reports, with 114,482 cases. 

Utah Population Demographics

Utah is the 30th most populous state in the United States. According to 2022 census estimates, the Beehive State is home to approximately 3,380,000 residents. Between 2020 and 2022, the state's population grew by 3.3%. Roughly 28.4% of the state's population comprised residents aged 18 and below, while persons 65 years and older made up 11.7%. Like most US states, Utah has a nearly even split, with females accounting for 49.4% of the population, compared to 50.6% for men.  

Utah Housing

1,228,746 housing
According to 2022 census estimates, Utah has 1,228,746 housing units with an average of 3.08 persons per household.
Between 2017 and 2021, 70.5% of housing units were owner-occupied, with a median value of $339.700.
Approximately 84.5% of residents aged 1+ lived in the same house.
The median selected monthly owners' costs ranged from $461 (without a mortgage) to $1,682 (with a mortgage).
Renters paid a median gross rent of $1.171.

Utah Racial Demographics


Utah's racial demographic consists of multiple races, including whites, Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, black or african americans, and American Indians, among others. As of 2021, whites make up the majority, accounting for 77.2% of the state, while Hispanics and Latinos make up 14.8%. Blacks constitute 1.5% of the residents, while Asians and American Indians (or Alaska Natives) comprise 2.7% and 1.6%. 2.8% of residents were of two or more races, while foreign-born persons made up 8.5% of the state.

  • White only
  • Black or African-American alone
  • Asian alone

Other categories include persons who are two or more races at 2.2%. Native Hawaiian and other Pacific islanders alone are the smallest percentages of the listed ethnic composition at 0.1%. 73.1% of the population of Utah is white (not Latino or Hispanic), while just over 5% were foreign-born persons from 2017 to 2021.

White (including Hispanics) 90.3% 
White alone (no Hispanic or Latino) 77.2% 
Hispanic or Latino 14.8% 
Asians 2.7% 
Black or African American 1.5% 
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 1.1% 

Elections in Utah

Utah is considered a moderately conservative state. As of 2023, the state has a Republican Trifecta. The attorney general, as well as the Governor's Office, are controlled by Republicans. Republicans also control the Utah Senate and the Utah House of Representatives.  

Spencer Cox serves as the 18th governor of the state. He was sworn into office in 2021 following the defeat of Democratic nominee Chris Peterson. Cox won the election with nearly two-thirds of the vote (63% vs 30%). Cox's victory in 2020 marked the longest one-party streak in a state (aside from South Dakota). The last Democrat to win the governorship in Utah was Scott M. Matheson in 1977.  

As of 2023, Republicans Mitt Romney and Mike Lee represent Utah in the federal Senate. Republican Stuart Adams is the president of the state Senate while Republican Brad R. Wilson serves as State speaker of the House.  

2020 Presidential Election 

Republican candidate Donald Trump won the state of Utah during the 2020 general elections, securing 58.13% (or 865,140) of the votes. His opponent, Joe Biden, won 37.65% (or 560,282) of the votes. Trump's 2020 victory improved his 2016 victory by 13%. He won a majority in all counties except Salt Lake County, Summit, and Grand County.  

Donald Trump

48.13% of votes

Joe Biden

37.65% of votes

Utah Voting Statistics

As of June 2023, Utah has 1,898,577 registered voters, including 1,675,103 active voters and 223,474 inactive voters (voters who failed to vote in the last two general elections). Approximately 876,740 active voters identify as Republicans, while 231,759 voters identify as Democrats. Close to 472,655 voters have no set party affiliation, while Libertarians and Independent Americans make up 20,215 and 64,791 registered voters.


How Educated is Utah

According to census data, between 2017 and 2021, approximately 93% of residents aged 25 years and older had a high school diploma or higher. Within the same period, 35% of residents had a Bachelor's degree or higher. Across different racial groups, 45.8% of Asians had a bachelor's degree or higher, compared to 39.7% of whites. In comparison, 29.2% of blacks and 19.5% of Hispanics had a bachelor's degree or higher.

As of 2023, Utah has over 35 universities and colleges offering a range of courses. Utah Valley University has the largest enrollment with 41,000+ students, ahead of Brigham Young University Provo ( 34,500+) and the University of Utah (34,000+). Other high-enrollment institutions include Weber State University, Utah State University, and Salt Lake Community College, with an average of 27,000+ students each.

Utah Employment Rate

As of 2023, Utah has an unemployment rate of 2.3%. Out of a civilian labor force comprising 1,754,100 workers, the state had 1,711,400 employed and 42,700 unemployed. The Trade-transportation-and-utilities industry accounted for most jobs, with 315,700 workers, ahead of the professional-and-business-services sector (247,900) and the Government (256,000). Across 12 months, total nonfarm employment grew by 2.8%. The mining-and-logging industry grew 6.2%, while leisure and hospitality grew 6.8%. Conversely, the financial activities sector dipped by 1.9%.

Average Income in Utah

According to 2022 Census estimates, between 2017 and 2021, Utah recorded a median household income of $79.133. Residents with a graduate or professional degree had a median income of $81,947, while those with a bachelor's degree or associate's degree had a median income of $56,175 and $41,461, respectively. 9.8% of households earned $200,000 or more, while 8.7% earned between $150,000 and $199,999.

In contrast, approximately 17% of households earned $34,999 or less. The median income varied with household sizes. Homes with a single earner had a median income of $70,425, while homes with 2 or 3 earners had a median income of $77,219 and $90,628, respectively.

Families in Utah

Utah Marriage Rates

9.1 per 1000 person

Utah has a marriage rate of 9.1 marriages per 1,000. Approximately 55% of residents aged 15 years and over are married, based on 2021 census estimates. 34.6% of adults had never been married, while others were separated, divorced, or widowed.

Men 45 and older were more likely to be married (over 70%) compared to men between 20 to 34 (38.6%). Teenage marriages (15 to 19 years) accounted for less than 1.9% of marriages in the state. Among females, women between the ages of 35 to 64 were more likely to be married (70%) compared to 50.7% of women between the ages of 20 and 34.

Viewed across racial demographics, 57.2% of whites aged 15 years and older. In comparison, 46.9% of adult Hispanics were married, 56.4% of Asians, and 37.7% of blacks. 34.6% of adults had never been married, while others were separated, divorced, or widowed.

Utah Divorce Rates

Utah has a divorce rate of 3.3 divorces per 1,000. In 2021, 8.6% of residents in Utah aged 15 years and over were divorced, while 1.2% were separated. Utah's divorce rate was 9.8% for females and 7.5% for males aged 15 years and over. Males and Females between the ages of 55 to 64 recorded the highest frequency of divorces, at 14.5 and 17.6%, respectively. Conversely, couples between the ages of 15 and 34 were the least likely to divorce (2.6% for males and 3.8% for females).

Approximately 447,020 males had never been married, compared to 358,990 women as of 2021. Roughly 10,870 males reported divorces, and 9,280 females in the previous year.

Life Expectancy in Utah

As of 2020, Utah's life expectancy (at birth) stands at 78.6 years, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Heart disease is the leading cause of death (4,275 deaths), followed by cancer, covid, and accidents. The state recorded 21.1 drug overdose deaths per 100,000 residents and 13.9 firearm injury deaths per 100,000. Utah also had an infant mortality rate of 5.3 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. Teenage pregnancies accounted for 9.7 births out of every 1,000 females aged 15 to 19. Utah had a 9.8 preterm birth rate and a 23.4 cesarean delivery rate. 23.4% of births were to unmarried mothers.

Utah Crime Rates

In 2021, Utah recorded a total of 185,171 crimes. Property crimes accounted for most reports, with 114,482 cases, while violent crimes accounted for 33,213 incidents. Utah also recorded 46,340 societal crimes, such as gambling, animal cruelty and prostitution. Among recorded violent crimes, aggravated assault was the most common offense, accounting for 4,181 incidents, ahead of fondling (2,857) and rape (1,625). Salt Lake City had the highest number of reported person crimes (16,673), ahead of Utah (3,233)and Weber with 3,310, respectively.

Utah Incarceration Rate

166 persons per 100,000
According to the National Institute of Correction, in 2020, Utah had an incarceration rate of 166 persons per 100,000 residents.
5,446 inmates
The state had a population of 5,446 inmates and 7,600 persons in jail.
4,430 persons
Roughly 4,430 persons were out on parole, and 10,231 were on probation.
2,300 prison
With 27 jail facilities, two prisons, and 2,300 prison employees,
Utah operated with a prison budget of $336,000,000 for the year.

Utah Bankruptcy Rate

5,128 bankruptcy cases

According to the American Banking Institute, in 2022, Utah recorded 5,128 bankruptcy filings, lower than the national average and the lowest recorded in two decades. Utah received 3,054 Chapter 7 filings, 2,053 Chapter 13 filings, and twenty Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings.

Up to 77 business bankruptcy cases were filed, including 51 Chapter 7, 20 Chapter 11, and five Chapter 3 cases. The total number of filings recorded for 2022 was less than those recorded in 2021, 2020, or 2019 (5,576, 7,688, and 9,688, respectively).

Weird Laws in Utah

Like most US states, Utah is not without its share of weird (and sometimes amusing) laws. The following are some of the stranger laws in the Beehive State.

  • Residents must have both hands on the handlebars while riding a bike or moped.
  • Visitors at any public concert must keep their hats low.
  • Discrimination (or promoting discrimination) against milk distributors is considered illegal.
  • In Ogden, Utah, residents may only keep a maximum of one cow on their property.
  • Residents in Utah are prohibited from buying more than 2 liters of beer.
  • It is illegal to catch a fish with a lasso in Tennessee.

Cities in Utah

Table of contents

Cities in Utah